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Home Forums PokaTheme support Upgrade to v4

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  • #17871
    Ricardo Nuno

    Dear sirs,

    I’m testing the update to v4 but I see a huge incompatibility with custom html pages via elementor plugin.

    In case, the html codes do not work, only short code.

    In the v3 theme, I used these codes and asked you to please let me know what are the new codes to use in html that work with “[]”.


    [table_list num=13 sort=”rating”]

    [single_affiliate_xl title=”Review Name”]

    [table_list num=5 sort=”rating”]

    I’ve read the documentation, but it’s very confusing and the demo pages only have html code that isn’t shorts [] and doesn’t work on elementor-made or custom html pages.

    Ricardo Nuno

    After an exhaustive search I found some codes, but even so I am having difficulties in getting to put on the home page the last articles of the old code [news_boxes], which would be 4 articles with image.

    I used [posts_list], but only 3 articles appear without an image.

    [posts_list style=”” num=”” columns=”” cat=”” descr_excerpt=”” descr_length=”” read_more_show=”” read_more_text=””
    ajax_load_more=”” show_author=”” show_featured_image=”” show_post_meta=”” horizontal=”” reverse=””’]

    But nothing comes up, I don’t understand.

    I also needed to add a white background around the text content in articles and reviews, as I had in the previous theme, because here the content shares the unique background and that’s bad.

    Additionally, I’m seeing an “Article Rating” on all review pages and articles and don’t know how to remove this.


    Hi Ricardo,

    Unfortunately there isn’t an automatic way to update from version 3 to version 4. Version 4 was created mainly for new websites that start now, and it focuses on Gutenberg editor. However you can also use the Classic Editor if you want with the new shortcodes.

    As you said, the new shortcode for news is [posts_list] and if you want to show the featured image you should write something like:

    [posts_list show_featured_image="true"]

    Instead of [table_list] you could use [affiliates_table] or [affiliates_list], you can find theme both in our Documentation:

    Instead of [single_affiliate_xl] you could use [affiliates_single].

    “I also needed to add a white background around the text content in articles and reviews, as I had in the previous theme, because here the content shares the unique background and that’s bad.”
    – This could be done with CSS, you can use the child theme’s style.css to apply the CSS you want.

    About “Article Rating” I’m not sure if this is related to PokaTheme, could you send us more info (e.g. a link)?

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