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Home Forums PokaTheme support How to customize Homepage as your demo

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  • #12884


    I would like to know the following, to customize like your demo:

    1. Which review style should I use to list brands like you did on: Online Poker Websites H2?
    2. What code should I add to customize background on different blocks from homepage? Like you did on H2: Best Poker Guides and also in H2: Our favorite poker tables
    3. What code should I add to display that carrousel with brands on H2: Our favorite poker tables

    Thanks a lot.



    1. For the table list shortcode we use the following:

    [table_list_v2 sort="rating" num=6 show_table_sorting="true" logo_color_box="true"]

    2. In “Full width sections” there are fields for background color and background image, you can create any styles you want!
    For the example you mention we have a background color #eeedeb and this image: with position “center bottom”.

    3. The shortcode we have in this section is:

    [affiliates_carousel posts="betfair|bgoVegas|casumo|bgoVegas"]

    (You have to replace the reviews slugs with your own)



    there seems to be a problem / bug with the sections: I wrote them twice and they get erased after leaving the page.

    Can you help me with this issue?

    Thanks a lot.

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