PokaTheme » All Posts https://pokatheme.com/support/faq/feed/ Fri, 19 Jan 2024 03:24:06 +0000 https://bbpress.org/?v=2.6.9 en-US https://pokatheme.com/topic/add-extra-social-icons/#post-18410 <![CDATA[Add extra social icons]]> https://pokatheme.com/topic/add-extra-social-icons/#post-18410 Wed, 20 Dec 2023 13:39:06 +0000 admin First of all, you have to install Poka Theme Child, inside your Theme folder or via Dashboard >Appearance > Themes.
Once you’ve installed Poka Theme child, you may open the entire folder to Visual Code, or you text editor.
In functions.php of child theme, there is the function that controls the social icons.
So, you may delete/update/create an array that you see in fuction named “poka_get_social()”and give your name
For example: we have this array:
‘youtube’ => array(
‘label’ => ‘Youtube’,
‘customizer’ => array(
‘setting_id’ => ‘general-youtube-link’,
‘control_id’ => ‘general-youtube-control’,
‘control_label’ => __( ‘Youtube link’, ‘poka’ ),
You may replace the word “youtube” with your desired word, for example “telegram”
and then the functions will appear like this:
‘telegram’ => array(
‘label’ => ‘Telegram’,
‘customizer’ => array(
‘setting_id’ => ‘general-telegram-link’,
‘control_id’ => ‘general-telegram-control’,
‘control_label’ => __( ‘Telegram link’, ‘poka’ ),

6. Save the functions.php
7. Now find your desired SVG icon. We mostly using https://teenyicons.com/
8. After you find your svg, copy the code of svg.
9. Open this https://yoksel.github.io/url-encoder/ and paste in “Insert SVG” text area the svg code.
10. Now you see, the “Ready for CSS” field, filled with CSS code like this:
background-image: url(“data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox=’0 0 15 15′ fill=’none’ xmlns=’http://www.w3.org/2000/svg&#8217; width=’15’ height=’15’%3E%3Cpath d=’M14.993 1.582a.5.5 0 00-.661-.553l-14 5a.5.5 0 00-.056.918l4 2a.5.5 0 00.501-.031l3.32-2.214L6.11 9.188a.5.5 0 00.113.728l6 4a.5.5 0 00.77-.334l2-12z’ fill=’currentColor’%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E”);
12. In style.css, write the array name, with the “poka-” in front and the pseudoelement :before. ie.
13 Inside that class, add the CSS code you provided earlier, with content property. i.e.:
content:url(“data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox=’0 0 15 15′ fill=’none’ xmlns=’http://www.w3.org/2000/svg&#8217; width=’15’ height=’15’%3E%3Cpath d=’M14.993 1.582a.5.5 0 00-.661-.553l-14 5a.5.5 0 00-.056.918l4 2a.5.5 0 00.501-.031l3.32-2.214L6.11 9.188a.5.5 0 00.113.728l6 4a.5.5 0 00.77-.334l2-12z’ fill=’currentColor’%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E”);}
14. Save the style.css
15. Now in Customizer, you may see the new social icon you added.
16. Do not forget, to give a link to your custom social Icon in Customizer, so the icon would be appeared.

https://pokatheme.com/topic/how-to-override-template-in-pokatheme/#post-4436 <![CDATA[How to override template in PokaTheme]]> https://pokatheme.com/topic/how-to-override-template-in-pokatheme/#post-4436 Fri, 31 May 2019 13:49:31 +0000 admin All Poka theme template files can be overwritten in your child theme by just copy/paste the specific file to your child theme and keep the original folder structure.


If you want to make your changes to single.php you can copy the file from poka_theme and paste it to the root of your child theme.

Another example:

You want to make changes to inc/templates/header-style1.php

First you need to create the folders inc/templates to your child theme and then paste the php file inside templates folder in order to keep the folder structure the same and WordPress know that you need to override the file of the parent theme.

Notice: This apply only to template files such us single.php,taxonomy-lists.php, loop-search.php. Etc.

For the files that are not templates such as ratings.php you can make changes by overriding functions and not the whole file.

You can copy paste the function/functions to your child theme functions.php and make the changes you want.

https://pokatheme.com/topic/how-to-make-changes-to-table-list-shortcode/#post-4434 <![CDATA[How to make changes to table list shortcode]]> https://pokatheme.com/topic/how-to-make-changes-to-table-list-shortcode/#post-4434 Fri, 31 May 2019 13:48:45 +0000 admin If you want to make changes to [table_list] shortcode or to any other shortcode you can follow the steps below:

If you are not already using Poka child theme first upload it to your themes folder and then activate it so every change you need to make to be in your child theme in order to update Poka theme in future versions.

In your child theme you’ll find the following files:

  • Functions.php – (this is where we add our shortcode)
  • Style.css – (this is where we add our additional styles)


The first step is to override the function of the shortcode to your child theme.

You have to override the function of `[table_list]` shortcode to your functions.php

Go to the parent theme to the folder : inc/addons/sc-table-list.php and copy everything that is inside :

if( ! function_exists( 'tablelist' ) ){ }

After that go to your child theme functions.php and paste it to the end of the file.

Now that we can safely edit this shortcode we will go through some changes we can make.

  • Change color of the number
      1. With the following rule added to your style.css you can make any styling changes you want to the number of the table .
        1. For example:
          .table-s1 .item .count { background:#000; }
  • Change the color of the background box around the logo
      1. You can add the following CSS rule to your style.css.
        1. For example: .table-s1.table-big .item .c2 a { background:#000; }
  • Make the URL of the logo an affiliate URL
      1. You can replace the following line of the shortcode:
        1. $html .=   ‘ <a href=”‘.get_permalink().'”><img src=”‘.$thumb[0].'” alt=”‘. get_the_title() .'” /></a>’;
          1. `$html .=   ‘ ID).”>'. get_the_title() .'‘;`With the following:
  • Change the color of the stars
      1. You can add the following CSS rule to your stylesheet:
        1. `.rating i { background:#ccc; }`
  • Change the color of the bonus text
      1. You can add the following CSS rule to your stylesheet:
        1. `.table-s1 .item .c4 h4 { color:#444; }`
  • Change the color or the text of the affiliate button
    1. You can change the color of the affiliate button from Visual Settings -> “Green Color”
    2. Also you can change the text of the button from Theme Settings -> Translations -> “Play now button text”


https://pokatheme.com/topic/how-to-changes-rating-icons-or-disable-half-stars/#post-4431 <![CDATA[How to changes rating icons or disable half stars]]> https://pokatheme.com/topic/how-to-changes-rating-icons-or-disable-half-stars/#post-4431 Fri, 31 May 2019 13:46:31 +0000 admin How to disable half stars in PokaTheme

In Poka theme from v3 and above half stars in ratings are by default enabled.

If you don’t want to show half stars then you can add the following to your functions.php in your child theme:

add_filter(‘poka_ratings_half_icon’, ‘__return_true’, 100);

How to set your own icons for the ratings

If you want to replace Poka theme stars with your own elements you can use the following filter:


function poka_change_rating_icons(){

    return array(

        'full_star' => '<span class=”icon icon-full”></span>',

        'half_star' => '<span class=”icon icon-half”></span>',

        'empty_star' => '<span class=”icon icon-empty”></span>',




https://pokatheme.com/topic/pokatheme-speed-optimize/#post-4429 <![CDATA[PokaTheme Speed Optimize]]> https://pokatheme.com/topic/pokatheme-speed-optimize/#post-4429 Fri, 31 May 2019 13:45:32 +0000 admin PokaTheme v3 is optimized for speed and without any further optimization you already going to get pretty good page speed results.

We recommend adding the following .htaccess rules to your site to enable gZip, browser caching and other server optimizations.

By only adding the rules to your .htaccess and without any speed optimize plugin you’ll get around:

85/100 for Mobile

99/100 for Desktop

(Using Google PageSpeed Insights)


https://pokatheme.com/topic/pokatheme-common-issues-and-fixes/#post-4426 <![CDATA[PokaTheme common issues and fixes]]> https://pokatheme.com/topic/pokatheme-common-issues-and-fixes/#post-4426 Fri, 31 May 2019 13:42:39 +0000 admin In this article you will find our most common support requests and how to fix them.

Theme settings not visible and issue with custom fields metaboxes

If you already have ACF activated in your site you need to disable it.

PokaTheme already includes ACF in the core and if you have it installed as a plugin you will experience conflicts with custom fields.

Solution: Remove ACF from the plugins

While uploading the theme you get this error: “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.”

You try to upload the pokatheme-v3-rx.x.x.zip while the actual theme is inside this zip and it is called : pokatheme.zip

The zip called pokatheme-v3-rx.x.x.zip contains:

  • PokaTheme zip
  • PokaTheme child zip
  • Documentation
  • Demo content

Solution: Upload the file called pokatheme.zip which is the actual theme.

You make changes to Visual Settings but they don’t apply to the front end.

There is some kind of caching in you site and you see a previous version of the styles before the change you made.

Solution: If you have any caching plugins make sure to clear the cache or if you have any plugins that minify and combine css/js files regenerate the minified/combined file after your changes in Visual settings.

If the issue persists you can contact your hosting if there is some kind of statci files caching on the server.

Affiliate links don’t redirect to the final affiliate link.

You have to enable pretty permalinks in your dashboard because the affiliates redirection requires it.

Solution: Go to Settings -> Permalinks , click on “Post name” and then click “Save changes”.


https://pokatheme.com/topic/poka-v2-new-translations-settings-tab/#post-2824 <![CDATA[Poka v2 new translations settings tab]]> https://pokatheme.com/topic/poka-v2-new-translations-settings-tab/#post-2824 Tue, 11 Dec 2018 10:09:38 +0000 admin From Poka v2 v2.0.5 and above there is a new settings page called “Translations” and you can find it under Theme settings.

In this new page you can easily change the “Review” post type slug in the URL and the text in Play and Review buttons.

All Poka v2 sites display their reviews under the URL structure domain/review/review-title, now with the field “Review post type slug” you can add your own custom review slug.
For example: domain/casino/review-title

Also you can easily change the text of the most common buttons in the site: “Play!”, “Play now” and “Review” from the Translations page.

Poka v2 uses WordPress official translations management system using PO/MO files and if you want to completely translate your site to a different language this is the way to go.
By using the options in Translations settings overrides PO/MO files, if you want to use PO/MO files just leave the buttons fields in translation settings empty.

More information about creating/editing language packs

https://pokatheme.com/topic/wordpress-5-0-and-gutenberg-support/#post-2810 <![CDATA[WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg support]]> https://pokatheme.com/topic/wordpress-5-0-and-gutenberg-support/#post-2810 Mon, 10 Dec 2018 16:20:47 +0000 admin WordPress 5.0 is finally here with the brand new Gutenberg replacing the old WP editor.

Poka v2 and Poka v1 are compatible with the latest WP v5 in their latest versions so if you have an older version please update.

If you want to replace Gutenberg you can install the Classic editor plugin:

Classic Editor

Don’t forget to always check for a new version to your account and the changelog

https://pokatheme.com/topic/how-to-change-url-structure-or-remove-slug-of-reviews-cpt/#post-1920 <![CDATA[How to change URL structure or remove slug of Reviews CPT]]> https://pokatheme.com/topic/how-to-change-url-structure-or-remove-slug-of-reviews-cpt/#post-1920 Thu, 17 May 2018 08:59:32 +0000 admin How to change slug on Review pages (Change ‘review’ slug)

You can add the following snippet inside functions.php of your child theme:
*Change the ‘affiliatesnewslug’ with your own slug.

add_filter( 'register_post_type_args', 'change_slug_affiliates_cpt', 10, 2 );
function change_slug_affiliates_cpt( $args, $post_type ) {

    if ( $post_type == 'affiliates') {
        $args['rewrite']['slug'] = 'affiliatesnewslug';

    return $args;


How to change slug on Review taxonomies (Change ‘list’ slug)

You can add the following snippet inside functions.php of your child theme:
*Change the ‘newslug’ with your own slug.

add_filter( 'register_taxonomy_args', 'change_slug_affiliates_tax', 10, 2 );
function change_slug_affiliates_tax( $args, $taxonomy ) {

    if ( $taxonomy == 'lists') {
        $args['rewrite']['slug'] = 'newslug';

    return $args;


How to remove the slug from the URL structure of Reviews

You can use one of the following plugins Remove slug from custom post type or Remove CPT base
However because WordPress require slug to the URL to identify if it is a post/page or post from a CPT, if a post/page has the same URL with a post from the Review CPT there is going to be conflict.
Also the AMP versions of the Reviews the URL structure will be http://www.siteurl.com/review-name/?amp and not http://www.siteurl.com/review-name/amp


How to remove the slug from the URL structure of Review taxonomies

You can use the following plugin : Remove Taxonomy Base Slug
After downloading and activating the plugin go to Plugins -> Remove Taxonomy Base Slug and select “lists” and click “Apply changes”.
Last step is to go to Settings -> Permalinks and click “Save changes” to refresh the Permalinks.
Also be aware that conflicts may appear due to same URL.

https://pokatheme.com/topic/first-steps-after-buying-your-theme/#post-536 <![CDATA[First steps after buying Poka theme]]> https://pokatheme.com/topic/first-steps-after-buying-your-theme/#post-536 Thu, 27 Oct 2016 11:46:26 +0000 admin Thanks for buying Poka theme!

You’ll receive a zip file which contains the following:

  • Latest version of Poka theme
  • Your child theme
  • Documentation
  • Site content xml
  • Demo2 theme options json

The zip file of Poka theme that you are going to upload to your site is “poka.zip” and it is inside the main zip you downloaded.

For detailed instructions about installing and modifying your theme please advice your Documentaion inside your zip or visit online Documentation
